From Article: As a medical oncologist, I spend most of my time treating people with incurable cancers. Depending on the person and the specific illness that person has, that question may come on the first visit with me or on the tenth: "How long have I got?"
JCO - Just Say DiePhysician Said: Most people with this disease will have problems soon...Time could be very short—a few weeks to a few months. I think it is advisable to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
What They Mean: You are dying
Physician Said: Your time may be short.
What They Mean: You are dying
Physician Said: If there were a hundred people in your situation, most of those people would have major problems within one month or so...let's consider that we are now at Labor Day. By the time we get to late September, early October, I would expect that you would be having major challenges or problems.
What They Mean: You are dying
Physician Said: Certainly, it sounds like the disease is really threatening your life.
What They Mean: You are dying