Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Get Ready for "Meet Your Neighbor Day"

On Monday, I wrote that I am declaring June 5, "Meet Your Neighbor Day." Why? Because June 5, is AWB's first birthday and I want to create an adventure that we can all do together. Meeting an unknown neighbor will probably push your comfort zone just a bit. Depending on the neighbor, it could expand your horizons quite a lot! Here are a few suggestions.

How to Meet Your Neighbor:

You can simply walk up and say, "Hi" or you can take thing up a notch by doing a little more.

The calling card: In my current neighborhood, there is a nice tradition of greeting new neighbors with a hand written card that includes your name (and others in your family) plus your address and phone number. It helps the new neighbor remember you and it gives them a way of contacting you if they need assistance. This might be an easy way to meet an elderly person in your area.

Food Part I: Who doesn't like receiving a tasty treat? You can always knock on your neighbor's door with food in hand and tell them it's Meet Your Neighbor Day and you've come by to be friendly.

Food Part II: Why not invite several neighbors over for drinks and appetizers? You can enjoy the company of the neighbors you know and take the opportunity to meet some new friends.

Food Part III: Party! Grab a friend and organize a get-together for all the people who live on your street, in your complex or who work in your office. You can invite everyone for tea, you can do drinks and appetizers, you make it a potluck*, or you can go all out and have a BBQ with music and limbo.

Some of these things will be hard to pull off by Friday but as long as you're in the planning process, it counts for Meet Your Neighbor Day!

To be part of Meet Your Neighbor Day on Facebook, click here!

*I've hosted a bunch of foreign exchange students who are mystified by the concept of a potluck dinner. If it's new to you, click on the link to learn more.

Things to do with your new neighbor friend:
National Good Neighbor Day (September)
Dinner Day (2nd Saturday in January)

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